Kaiāwhina -Girls' Kāinga
Ko putauaki tōku maunga
Ko te orini tōku awa
Ko mātaatua tōku waka
Ko ngati awa tōku iwi
Ko taiwhakaea tōku marae
No whakatane ahau
Iam 28 years old and have 3 children between 7 and 12. I love spending most of my time with family, I enjoy music and traveling to my hometown. I grew up in Otara and Manurewa. I now live in Papakura.
Before joining the team at InZone, I was working as a teacher aide at Randwick Park school in Manurewa. While working in their bilingual unit for a year, I saw the passion from rangatahi getting to know the importance of their culture. Working at InZone I hope to share the same passion as these students with everyone. I hope to make the environment at InZone a fun and exciting place to be.