Our Partners

We are grateful for the support of our Partners who are pivotal in facilitating our work at InZone Education Foundation.

Auckland Grammar School is one of New Zealand’s leading secondary schools, with a reputation for all-round excellence, sporting and cultural pursuits.  Often referred to as ‘The Grammar Way’, Auckland Grammar School sets its standards very high, demanding excellence across all aspects of daily life.

The School encourages the development of the whole person to produce young men ready, willing and able to make a positive contribution to society and to be responsible citizens. The School seeks to inspire in students a love of learning and a respect for knowledge across a wide variety of disciplines. It caters for a range of students from diverse backgrounds, socio-economic groups and ethnicities.

From its inception, InZone Education Foundation sought and formed a partnership with Grammar – it was a natural fit to enable our students to fulfil their academic, leadership, sporting and cultural potential.

A Deputy Principal sits on the advisory committee that oversees kāinga operations and is also involved in the interviewing of our students. In addition, many staff members work with InZone staff to ensure collaborative and consistent support for our students.

Epsom Girls Grammar School (EGGS) is a leading New Zealand public secondary school, located in the centre of Epsom, Auckland. EGGS has been supporting the education of young women since 1917 and has historically had a vibrant multicultural student base.

The InZone Education Foundation specifically sought a relationship with EGGS because the school shares many of the same core values underpinning the InZone vision.  At EGGS, achievement is fostered in academic, sporting and cultural spheres and EGGS girls distinguish themselves annually in all these areas on a local, national and international level.

Moreover, developing leadership is an important issue for EGGS.  The school proudly celebrated its centenary in April 2017, it can boast a formative influence in many New Zealand leaders who have already influenced our country, in addition to more who are still emerging.

A Deputy Principal sits on the advisory committee that oversees kāinga operations and is also involved in the interviewing of our students. In addition, many staff members work with InZone staff to ensure collaborative and consistent support for our students.

Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei was created to represent the hapū’s collective interest, to improve and advance the economic, social, environmental and cultural aspirations of their whānau.

Their dream is that Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei enjoys superb physical, emotional, spiritual and mental wellbeing. The goal is that Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei successfully targets resources to meet the needs and aspirations of whānau.

The purpose of the Trust is to receive, administer, manage, protect and govern the Trust’s assets to ensure the cultural, commercial and social development of Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei for the benefit of its Members.  It is the Trust’s responsibility to demonstrate strong leadership for our hapū and we seek to do this through good governance, transparent decision-making and working together with our subsidiaries, on behalf of our people.

The Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Trust has supported InZone by providing the InZone Education Foundation with a 30 year lease on the premises at 99 Owens Road to be used as a kāinga for secondary aged students attending Auckland Grammar School or Epsom Girls Grammar School.  In addition, they support the InZone kaupapa at many events such as our pōwhiri.

United Maāori Mission which was set up in 1937 to provide educational opportunities for disadvantaged Māori men and women and provide them with accommodation in its hostels while they take part in training programmes.  At its commencement, the InZone Project operated under the United Māori Mission umbrella, until in May 2013 the InZone Education Foundation was formed.

Today the United Māori Mission still own the girls’ kāinga and lease it to InZone at preferred rental rates.  In addition they make a contribution to the Heartland Bank He Ringa Manaaki Fund to support students whose whānau are facing verified financial disadvantage.

First Foundation is a unique educational trust founded to assist academically talented New Zealander students worthy of support, a hand up to tertiary education, and to prepare them to positively influence and benefit their communities.

First Foundation work with our year 12 and 13 students, enabling them to be part of their Foundation Steps Mentoring Programme.  They provide mentors to assist our students through the major transition from secondary school into university.  In doing so, they help guide our students through their new experiences such as leadership roles in school, self efficacy, exploring study options and the different tertiary institutions.

Our Cornerstone Funders

We are grateful for the support of a number of charitable entities and corporations who have generously funded InZone Education Foundation’s operations and ongoing development.

Foundation North holds in trust for the Auckland and Northland communities an endowment, or pūtea, of over a billion dollars. This comes from the sale of the community’s shares in what was previously the Auckland Savings Bank.

That pūtea allows the Foundation to make millions of dollars in grants each year to not-for-profit groups in Auckland and Northland.  With 85% of our students coming from the greater Auckland and Northland catchments (60% being from Foundation North’s priority target communities of Northland and South Auckland), InZone is fortunate to be a beneficiary of Foundation North’s generosity.

Foundation North’s support for the InZone Education Foundation stretches back over many years starting with the boys’ project, followed by significant support to establish the the girls’ kāinga in 2015.    Support has more recently included support for daily operation of the kāinga and they continue to support InZone to help make up the shortfall between InZone’s actual costs per student and the fees that whānau pay.

Heartland  are committe  to making their organisation a more diverse and inclusive place of work and have begun a number of initiatives with an initial focus on gender and ethnic diversity.

Heartland’s Board and Senior Management strongly believe that not only does diversity foster creativity and innovation – because people from different walks of life tackle problems differently – it also provides access to the broadest possible talent pool.

Embracing diversity starts with creating a culture in which people of all genders, backgrounds, cultures and sexual orientation feel welcome, included and valued. Heartland have a goal to increase Māori representation with an objective, over time, of becoming the employer of choice for emerging Māori talent.

In 2017 Heartland pledged funds to establish the Heartland Bank He Ringa Manaaki Fund.  This Fund provides support to those whānau of InZone students who suffer financial hardship, either a temporary financial setback or long-term disadvantage and are unable to meet their expected contribution. The He Ringa Manaaki Fund enables their tamariki to continue to access the InZone opportunity.

In December 2017, Heartland were delighted to host nine InZone students in their inaugural internship programme.  The programme aimed to provide students with an insight into the corporate world through the concept of ako. Heartland wholeheartedly adopted this concept of reciprocity because they appreciate the potential benefit and growth that comes out of shared learning experiences.  The programme was a success and Heartland have plans to offer additional internships at the end of 2018.


The Lottery Grants Board aims to maximise the community benefits of lottery grants by focusing grant decision making on outcomes.  Outcomes are all the changes, benefits, learning and effects that happen – or start to happen – as a result of activities, projects or services in communities.

The Lottery Grants Board’s key funding objectives and request criteria are designed to ensure that lottery grants will contribute towards its vision of New Zealanders building strong sustainable communities together.

The Lottery Grants Board has supported InZone by funding staff salaries and staff development to ensure we continue to maintain a high standard of care and pastoral support for our students.  In addition, they have enabled us to support our students’ academic achievement by enabling the purchase of laptops for use by our students and koha vouchers for our volunteer tutors.  The support from Lottery Grant Board has significantly strengthened our Tikanga Māori programme.

The Lion Foundation is one of New Zealand’s leading funding trusts and since its inception has returned over $850m to worthy causes across New Zealand. Every year Lion partner with amazing organisations like InZone Education Foundation, funding thousands of programmes that make our local community a better place to live.


The Maurice Paykel Charitable Trust was established in 1976 by the late Maurice Paykel, a well-known philanthropist and the co-founder of the Fisher and Paykel group of companies.

The Maurice Paykel Charitable Trust is a key partner of the InZone Education Foundation.  The two organisations enjoy a positive and fruitful relationship dating back to the commencement of the InZone Project specifically refurbishment of the girls’ kāinga and enabling the academic and wellbeing  support for our students.

Friends of Inzone

The following generous groups of supporters have enabled the growth and delivery of the InZone initiative:

Charitable Trusts – charitable entities that have generously funded InZone Education Foundation’s operations and helped make up the shortfall between InZone’s actual costs per student and the fees that whānau pay.

Service and in-kind supporters – a variety of organisations that have donated their products, experience and knowledge to InZone and our students.

Donors – individuals, families and businesses who have kindly made a monetary donation to help make up the shortfall between InZone’s actual costs per student and the fees that whānau pay.

Charitable Trusts

Thank you to these charities that have funded key aspects of InZone’s operations or helped make up the shortfall between InZone’s actual costs per student and the fees that whānau pay.

The Joyce Fisher Charitable Trust was established in 1975 by the late Joyce Lady Fisher, sister of the late Maurice Paykel and wife of the late Sir Woolf Fisher, co-founder of the Fisher and Paykel group of companies.

The Trust’s Mission Statement is “to make New Zealand a better place by providing young New Zealanders with opportunities that enhance their leadership skills and values, creating community, role models and future leaders”.


The William & Lois Manchester Trust includes as one of its outcomes to make grants to educational organisations.  The Trust has kindly supported InZone since 2014

Service and In-kind supporters

Thank you to the following companies for donating your products, services, experience and knowledge to InZone and our students.

Our Donors

We thank the  individuals, families and businesses for their donations to InZone in 2018  to help make up the shortfall between InZone’s actual costs per student and the fees that whānau pay.  We will acknowledge their support shortly.